Saturday, January 21, 2012

And if you'll all just follow me...

Please keep your hands and arms inside the ride at all times.  Please stay on the designated path.  Don't eat the daisies, please.

So in keeping with my need for structure, I've compiled a schedule of subjects for my future blog posts.  You can find that schedule here (and yes, I did actually name the psychosis knows no bounds):

Manic Mondays
Mondays will be about things that piss me off, or upset me, or stuff that happened over the weekend.  I hate Mondays, so this is my chance to rant.

(no, that's not me...but it would be a lot cooler if it was)

Teachin’ Tuesdays
Each Tuesday blog will be devoted to teaching some skill or craft that I’ve tried myself.  I’ll try to post pics of every learning experience, and will take suggestions or requests.

Wingin’ it Wednesdays
Wednesday blogs will be whatever I’m in the mood to write.  I may talk about my kids, my job, my novels-in-progress, politics, religion, or anything else that pops into my head.

(I like penguins; they're cute and they walk funny) 

Theatrical Thursdays
Thursday blogs will give me a chance to review tv shows and movies, or plays I’ve seen or want to see.

Fricasee Fridays
Weekly blog devoted to all things kitchen and cuisine.

Sentimental Saturdays
Saturday blogs will be spent remembering fun times from the past.  Not necessarily my past.  But definitely the past.

(okay, so maybe not THAT far into the past)

Shake-it-off Sundays
Sunday is a day of rest for some people, a day to unwind and relax and prepare for the week to come.  If you’re anything like me, that does not sound like your Sunday.  So on Sundays I’ll post stuff like my menu for the upcoming week, my reviews of the last week’s menu choices, funny stories I heard, funny stories I made up, things my kids did during the week, whatever I feel could make your upcoming week a little easier.  I’ll also occasionally recap my progress on the 2012 goals, which I will post tomorrow for the first-ever Shake-it-off Sunday.

(come on, we've all had weeks like this, right?)

So there you have it.  My schedule of blogs.  Will I stick to it?  Well, I'll certainly try.  If I miss a day, try not to berate me too severely, and I'll make it up to you, dear reader.  And prepare thyself, because this blog is gonna be "off the chain", yo.  Wow, that feels ridiculous even to type it.  But seriously, it's gonna awesome.  Or at least pretty cool.  Maybe just in my own opinion.  Okay, so it'll be a blog.  Take from it what you will, and feel free to leave your comments.  I read them, I promise.

Some photos courtesy of worradmu, Ambro, and John Kasawa. (got them from a website, had to give credit, you know?)

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